Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Rookie Dad: She's on a roll

Just days after the triumphant and much-ballyhooed five-month mark The Youngling has rolled over. All reports are saying that this was a totally unassisted roll and being that it happened when dad wasn't around, it actually counts.

Now with that last statement, there is obviously a story to be told and tell it I will.

A couple Fridays ago - the one before Easter - I was home with The Youngling and we were working on our rolling skills (her more than me). I was clapping like a kid having candy thrown at him and becoming quite exhausted when, with just the right combination of kicking and grunting, she rolled over. A classic tummy to back maneuver that would have easily scored nines in Olympic competition and when I told the wife later in the day what had transpired her reaction wasn't what I had expected.

She wasn't sure that it was totally unassisted. I stated that I had helped with a few rolls and turned my head for a few seconds because Anthony Bourdain was interviewing some of the L.A. rollergirls and out of the corner of my eye I saw "the roll". Eventually we chalked it up to a fluke but did plant a sticker on that day's calendar space for the triumphant roll but maybe two times makes it officially official.

Whatever the case, I saw that first roll and while there's a very good chance that I could miss the first steps, words, graduation and a few other lesser events - nobody can deny that first roll because stickers last forever.

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