Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Rookie Dad: It's just a rash

I can't claim to know what it feels like to have your bottom sore to a point where it makes me cry but I do know that The Youngling, if she knew how to talk, could tell everyone she sees about her first ailment.

Monday night, when I arrived home, I was informed that we had ourselves a sore baby. I expected teething or maybe she took a tumble somehow but I honestly wasn't expecting diaper rash. In a world where a certain flu strain seems destined to make us all board up our windows and doors something as simple as diaper rash seems trivial but when a tiny princess has a sore bottom, it's a big deal.

Growing up sans siblings, I was and still am totally oblivious to what to do about most everything considering children. I've seen the tube of diaper rash cream/ointment/plaster in The Youngling's diaper basket but outside of using it to soothe her rashy armpits, I had never seen it in action.

I now know, after two days, that slathering the goo on her bottom is better than applying it lightly. Or so says mom. I won't complain because as I cringed in fear of wiping The Youngling's sore tush super-mom stepped up and did what I was too cowardly/unexperienced/proud to do.

One of these days I'll get back to diaper duty but not until that mess of cream is gone.

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