Friday, June 26, 2009

Rookie Dad: She's a paper shredder

The Youngling has a new mode of transportation. It's called "rolling". She's been pretty gung-ho about this for the past week or so and it's gotten to the point where i f us adults need to get something done, we can lay her down on the living room floor and she entertains herself. She's practically grown up now.

The Youngling's rolling, though, isn't entirely fun and games. Last Sunday morning I wanted to grab a glass of juice so the logical thing to do was to lay her down on the floor with a couple toys so I can have my glass of Kiwi-Strawberry goodness. Gone for less than a minute, I returned to find The Youngling half way across the room from where I had left her with her head between the entertainment center and the magazine rack crinkling and slowly tearing pages out of the latest issue of Minneapolis-St. Paul Magazine. It was both cute and infuriating. I hadn't even finished reading it yet!

This is the start of even bigger things. Before we know it she'll be crawling. She has already figured out how to push herself backwards so the next logical step is forward movement. I guess I can give up on reading any of my magazines - or I can relocate everything of value to the top of the refrigerator.

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