Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Rookie Dad: That Bites

Before I left the office the other day I received a phone call from the wife. The Youngling had been sent home with a note from her preschool teacher. That's never good.

It seems that she landed herself in whatever disciplinary area the teacher uses because she got a bit zealous after being appointed line lead for the day.  In The Youngling's head on that specific day she thought that meant that she had been appointed queen of the classroom and when one of her friends tried grabbing a toy during play time, The Youngling bared her teeth and bit her friend.

In what world is it okay in a child's mind to bite someone? I know that kids go through phases like picking their nose or pooping in the closet but what triggers the though in a child's mind to say, "Hey, that toy is mine, I'm gonna bite my friend"?

As kids get older they push and punch and scratch -- maybe even pull hair sometimes but I don't recall anyone ever biting me. Maybe I should get The Youngling in to see a doctor and see if she is actually part vampire. She does seem to prefer nights to mornings.

Anyhow, I hope that the biting was just a one-time occurance because biting your friends usually has a way of coming back to bite you, so to speak.

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