Friday, April 20, 2012

Rookie Dad: Preschool already?!?

Alright, so the title is a bit misleading because The Youngling hasn't actually began preschool yet but at 3 years and 5 months old she did head out to preschool screening Friday morning and to say that she did well would be the perfect thing to say because she did do quite well. We're convinced now that when she's at home with us as we're trying to work on her counting skills that she's just messing with us.

At home she always skips numbers and gets them out of order but during the preschool screening tests she nailed it - rattling off 1-10 like she had been reciting those numbers for years now.

The biggest problem is that we're not ready for her to start preschool yet. Even if she began in September at the start of the new school year she would be attending preschool for a full two years. Knowing her, I think that she'd grow bored with the slow progress because today at a certain big box retailer she got on a bike and rode it around portions the store as we urged her to stop and follow us instead. At home she rarely, if ever, rides her bike and when she does she often tips over or goes out of control across the street not knowing how to stop.

But back to the preschool thing, she did basically con us into buying her a Curious George lunch box so maybe she is trying to tell us something.

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