Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Rookie Dad: A routine E.R. visit

Sunday evening was a milestone for The Youngling. No, she didn't miraculously read a book all by herself for the first time. Instead, she got to visit the hospital.

Oh, she's been to the clinic multiple times but who hasn't? The trip to the hospital on Sunday evening wasn't much of an event (in my eyes) and like anythig else it began all-too innocently. As The Youngling sat next to me on the couch watching "The Simpsons", she reached for something or began wiggling her way off toward the floor and for whatever reason lost her balance. I couldn't catch her fast enough and she fell sideways, hitting her temple on the edge of the coffee table. She erupted in the loudest, shrillest cries I have ever heard and in mere moments there were more tears -- this time from her mom.

I sprung up and looked at The Youngling's temple which was now home to a plateaued goose-egg about the size of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. This sent us all in to action. It was instantly decided that we WERE going to the hospital -- NOW. I grabbed a few things -- including an ice pack and towel -- and we were on our way.

In the end, everything checked out. The very patient doctor looked in The Youngling's ears for bunny rabbits (her normal doctor is always on the lookout for butterflies so color me confused) and examined her reflexes and even her mouth where he stated he was very impressed with her shiny teeth. She did much better than the kid down the hall who sounded like he had broken every bone in his body based on his screaming.

After that ordeal it was back home where The Youngling was back to her normal self calling the cat "dumb" and pointing at the coffee table and saying "table, doctor, ow". I'd say that she has this whole cause and effect thing figured out. If only she can pick up some odd jobs to pay that upcoming bill off.

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