Monday, August 3, 2009

Rookie Dad: The case of the curious wino

It all started Tuesday. As I waited at home for the entire day to get The Youngling in to see a doctor (I suppose I should schedule her illnesses) I let the little terror crawl around the house. She seems bored and disinterested already with the stereo, VCR, DVD player and stack of various Nintendo consoles. Her new fascination is the wine rack.

The wine rack is one of those items in a household that can not be banished to some distant corner or some high up location. It's a necessity in the world of raising children but it also poses a certain amount of danger to a nine month old girl.

Her latest encounter with the wine rack found her pulling out a large carafe-style bottle of wine I picked up on clearance somewhere. I knew she had it dislodged from the rack when I heard a mighty "thud" on the dining room floor.

It seems that she knows what to go for and while I applaud The Youngling's good tastes, I should probably make sure she steers clear of the wine for about another 20 years - or at least until she is no longer in danger of crushing her hand with a large jug of wine.

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