Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Rookie Dad: an introduction

I optimistically entered into fatherhood in November. I knew little of what to expect and had heard plenty of nightmarish stories about babies waking up every two hours during the night screaming and foul smelling diapers that would scare veteran sanitation specialists.

Sure, much of my pre-fatherhood education came from the movie Knocked Up but I still felt reasonably prepared.

Fast forward four months to current time.

In those four months my education has been by way of trial and error. I've seen multiple surfaces soaked and/or covered in pee. I've been on the receiving end of diaper changes that ended up taking not one or two diapers but up to four because sometimes a little girl just can't stop a good thing.

Thankfully, the midnight feedings have been nearly non-existent. Sure, yesterday morning's first feeding found me as the recipient of a milk fountain from her mouth. Hey, at least it was warm but on the down side I was already dressed for work. Oh well.

If you're curious what other bumbling baby and dad adventures are happening, keep checking back here.

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