Some days with a four year-old are a battle. Some days are frustrating. But there never fails to be a dull moment.
Not long after rolling out of bed on Sunday, The Youngling insisted on heading outside to splash in the puddles. Much like an elephant, she never forgets things like how we bought her a pair of rain boots after much insistence on her part in late January.
So, around 11 AM (or 10 AM, I'm not sure as I only set some of the clocks ahead), with a stiff wind blowing from the north, we made our way down the block. She diligently stopped at every puddle she encountered -- even if it was completely glazed over with ice -- and splashed in it. Remember that it was a balmy 30 degrees at this time and while we were both dressed for the weather, I felt cold for her as her thin legs bounced up and down in those partially frozen puddles.
After two blocks we were both cold but at least she was happy.